That’s an even better idea! A steady income is much better than donations that may or may not arrive. Thanks for the idea, appreciate it!
That’s an even better idea! A steady income is much better than donations that may or may not arrive. Thanks for the idea, appreciate it!
I use this a lot and love it a lot! The ROMs it emulates are very powerful calculators.
Also, there is a new project that brings Qalculate! to Android. You can find it somewhere here. It’s also a powerful calculator and is more integrated to the system because it’s not emulation.
Wouldn’t it be a better idea to donate a big amount of money to a single project rather than small amounts to many projects?
Don’t get me wrong, I do support donating to projects but 5 bucks are nothing. Might as well not donate. Donating 50 dollars to one project is much better.
Yeah that’s constructive criticism. “Your app is ugly, UI is laggy, the design is inconsistent” What else do you want? Drop code snippets? You clearly do give a shit judging by how triggered you got.
And how is calling it ugly an invalid reason? The app looks ugly.
I don’t give a shit if I’m a shit person for “shitting” on voluntary work. That is how progress is made. Sorry if it bursts your bubble.
Besides, you speak as if I only typed “overall ugly” and left it there. As you can see, I gave more reasons. And all those are valid reasons.
Oops my fault! I forgot to mention that I’m using a fork. The issue is fixed there.
Yeah it’s just not good at all. A song with a white heavy cover art just turn the entire screen white in “Playing Now” screen. Like, why? I don’t want my eyes get any worse thank you.
By the way, Innertune’s issue is fixed now.
Or is it? VSauce music kicks in
Thanks sweetie 🥰
i’m criticizing, that’s all
This is kinda bad. The UI is inconsistent, laggy and overall ugly.
I very much prefer Innertune as it has consistency and works much better than this. Loading takes a ton of time for whatever reason.
The guy in the thumbnail looks like Steve Jobs.
Removed by mod
I don’t think this is a malicious act by Google, yet alone intentional at all. (English is not my native language and I’m unsure of how this sentence turned out. Is my grammar correct?)
Google uses a shit ton of automation on it’s services. Youtube being the biggest example with all the unfair bans and copyright strikes. I believe this to be simply a case of those.
I find both bad. There. Take your presumptions away.
I don’t know I never felt the need to customize the terminal. I just like what it comes with. It feels wrong to change that. Black background and colored text is fine. The rest of the OS though damn it’s like a fucking birthday party! Nothing’s at default ffs
I think that’s pretty reasonable? If there are good offers for pre-ordering, why not?
Way better than pre-ordering video games. But that’s a pretty low bar anyways.
Pandora’s Box is already open. Might as well make use of it.