I’ll just do a clean install and re do it lol.
I’ll just do a clean install and re do it lol.
Thanks for the info. I’ll make sure to double check all that before. I have another question. If I edited fstab to add mounting hard drives on boot. Will I have to redo that when I hook my drive up to a new mobo? Or will the drive UUIDs and mount paths be the same?
Others say that I can drop my is drive into a new PC. I’ll back it up and try that, if not I’ll just do a fresh install.
I built my system in 2019 and and everything needs upgraded. I also wanted to switch to AMD, so figured I’d just do a full build
I’ve been looking at doing a new pc build but wanted to wait for the new GPUs coming out. Looks like I should just my new build before prices are stupid.
Yes. I’ve made posts about my problems before. But I use an E drum kit to trigger vsts in a daw. It’s just easier for me to use windows.
I recently made the switch to linux as well and I have it on my laptop and gaming PC. I do keep a portable install of windows on an external drive for more niche cases, such as music production which I had terrible luck with on Linux. When I booted up my laptop with the windows drive, I noticed that my keyboard backlight wasn’t working. And it took me a second to realize that Windows doesn’t come with basic drivers… In Linux mint, my keyboard backlight worked right away. I also wish I made the jump to Linux much earlier.
Thanks for the info.
Oh I see. That is pretty cool. Can you launch that with steam in the desktop version?
Isn’t gamescope more used with handhelds?
Oh I see, that is pretty handy. It was kinda annoying and unintuitive to get mangohud running.
That’s kinda what I was figuring. I’ve been using mint for several months now and I really like it and I’ve gotten it all adjusted to my preferences. I’ve checked out pop os, but I’m not a fan of the OS layout. It reminds me of android lol.
Is there really much of a difference in game performance between “game focused” distros and other ones like mint?
Why didn’t you like mint? It’s set up pretty much like windows.
As a fellow drummer myself, I would def get an E kit. I got myself a Roland kit a couple years ago and it’s been amazing. It has really allowed me to improve and hone my skills. Also, just because you have enough for a drum kit, I wouldn’t get the cheapest one out there. You want it to last you a good while.
I was wondering if it is the drive letter it doesn’t like. But I did install it to that same drive before, so I’m thinking they changed something in their launcher? Idk, I dont have the energy to keep messing with it lol
I’m not going to download 5 different launchers for this. I solved it by using an external drive that’s NTFS
That still didn’t work. The launcher is able to see the drive I want to install to but it’s improperly reading the disk size, it says there’s 15gigs available when there’s 300. I’ve triple checked that it’s the right drive. In fact none of my drives have only 15gigs available. But anyway, I found a solution. I have an external drive that’s NTFS and its installing to that.
I added the exact folder I want to install the game to in flatseal, it did not fix the issue. The problem is the installation process takes place inside the hoyolab launcher, not heroic. It still shows I don’t have enough space on my second drive and I still can’t install the launcher outside the C: drive.
That’s reassuring. But based off the mixed answers, I’ll just do a clean install to reduce headache.