As an ex-Linux on Surface Go 1 user, I didn’t like the experience. Under Debian Testing, it was always mostly usable, but I’d come across the weirdest bugs, like graphics glitches. Also, last time I checked, the camera was miserable to set up - I got it working, but it’s really weird. Secure boot was also really painful.
Running Linux on the Surface Go made me curse the Surface line and put the Go in a junk drawer. I might go back to it one day, but I have no reason at the moment. Still, if you already own one, it’s worth a shot.
If you go ahead, though:
- Whatever easily supported the linux-surface kernel.
- I really don’t know. I don’t quite use Linux in that manner.
- No. SD cards are slow, so the system will take an eternity to load. Put personal files on the SD and the install internal, not the other way around.
- I have no idea about the pen, but the keyboard mostly worked fine. I remember it having problems in the Debian installer, so I had to use a USB hub dongle and a keyboard to install, but after that I remember it working pretty well both mainline and linux-surface.
BTW usually the graphics glitches weren’t immediate, but would come after waking it from sleep a few times.