Backend (and sometimes frontend) software engineer working on sports data at Elias Sports Bureau.
Experience with: Python, Django, Typescript/JS, infrastructure, databases
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They changed the licensing:
I haven’t had a chance to look yet, but I’m using a pretty similar stack at, although with React instead of Nuxt/Vue. I definitely love using Docker, at least as a dev platform, because of the way it evens the field across OS’s and makes it easy to onboard new contributors. Will definitely take a closer look when I get more time.
Buuut … I do mod the ! community, which you might be interested in checking out. There’s also the !, which is also worth checking out.
ETA: Thanks for that, not sure what I was thinking there.
Ugh, my apologies folks. Clearly still figuring out how to do this Lemmy/Mastodon federation thing.
I raise you
@lambda _: _()
def result() -> int:
global a; global b; a, b = b, a
hat tip to via Cursed Python
I’m personally still loving Regolith Desktop on top of Ubuntu/Debian. posted a new Python wrapper for Lemmy that he’s started working on over at ! :
I couldn’t agree more!
I had a great colleague at my previous job, who was great at reminding folks that we’re there to get things done together and struggling in silence was the opposite of that. If you can’t figure it out after an hour, give someone (anyone!) a holler and get a second opinion.
That’s the way I read the proposal, which I definitely like.