This sounds like something everyone should go through at least once, to underscore the importance of hardening that can be easily taken for granted
Hey, thanks for reading my bio. You know, you’re pretty cool. I’m glad we got to share this moment together.
This sounds like something everyone should go through at least once, to underscore the importance of hardening that can be easily taken for granted
Yep. And besides, the only people actually taking significant risk here are the instance hosters storing the content.
Can’t wait to try these out in 7 years when all the datacener refurbs hit the second hand market
Ahhhhh fuck. We just got an HPE storage array. Pretty sure they have remote access into the device for support purposes.
It may have changed since I used it, but when I signed up, it required two.
Riseup requires invite codes from 2 active users, I believe.
I used to have an account, but lost access after a device of mine was stolen.
Awesome. Signed up for the waitlist, can’t wait to try it out.
I like this organization method, feels very ADHD-friendly
Shit, that was good. Maybe making the switch will help reduce the amount of ambient doom I feel nowadays.
I used this trick a few years back during a cold snap when my furnace wasnt working. It did genuinely seem to increase the temp of my room by around ~10 Fahrenheit over an hour or so.
my understanding was capturing the hot air for a moment allowed more heat to radiate (and the pot did genuinely get to around 150 degrees according to laser thermometer) instead of the hot air rising in a narrow stream and losing its heat into the cold ceiling.
Didn’t have a fancy setup, just a spare pot balanced on three mugs over some tea candles.
Appreciate the warning, I will therefore skip this post o7
Neat idea, or, you could just tell them directly and be like “hey I’m not gonna respond here due to [reasons], come find me on signal if ya wanna chat”
People are usually more engaged when you communicate to them directly
Nah, its been becoming more popular, at least in my circles.
This is the one case where I’d make an exception. I read through the threads, it got particularly heated.
Life has gotten better since I dropped it. Moved a dozen or so people over to Signal and have been running with that ever since.
I do miss the ability to easily stream games, though.
Someone feel free to jump in and audit my take:
The Internet Archive is not a company, does not sell me anything, and is merely providing a public service.
The service has nothing to do with my health or wellbeing. It is not marketed as being privacy forward. Hell, the whole purpose of the project is to make data publically accessable.
Therefore, exposing email addresses… I kinda don’t care?
Of course, it would be way better if they just used generic login numbers etc instead, but… I feel like this is the equivalent of my library card number getting leaked, and these headlines are treating it like Equifax just leaked my SSN again.
I completely forgot these existed until this post. What a vivid flashback. Totally going to try them when out
No, closest thing is to join a datahoarder group and trade when needed.
Although with LinkWarden gaining popularity, something like this developing is a possibility.
No matter how you look at it, Wikipedia is one of the modern wonders of the world; those who maintain and defend it are doing holy work. The availability of free, high quality, publically indexed and equitably accessible information about our modern world is such an under-appreciated gift.
Education is a powerful tool, but when most people hear “knowledge is power” they think of personal success or political might. But its true power is on an evolutionary scale.
No other species in the history of our (known) universe has the capability to study the world, and then share those the conclusions to the next generation with high precision, like we do. It’s absolutely fascinating. It’s what sets us apart from the rest. It defines the human experience.
The reality is that the integrity of this mechanism (or rather, the democratization of said mechanism) is under threat. It always has been, but the nature of the threat has changed, and its scary. I’m glad it is being protected, at least for now.
Thats so cool. I thought the super-kamiokande was the last planned neutrino detector, very cool that they’re building more.