and i have found appimages that fail to worm due to some dependencies too. This is not a solved prooblem for linux. And no, flatpak isn’t it either
because you can’t just target “linux”. You target a distro. That’s not feasible for any of them to maintain
i prefer c than python tbh. When I write a c application, it keeps working. When I write a python script, it rots and rarely lasts a year before I have to stop whatever else I’m doing and dive back into the python code to get it working again
telegram is not encrypted e2e
open weights is not open source. If it were, then nobody would have to work on trying to reproduce it. They could just run the build script.
yes but now you’ve shifted the problem again. You went from detecting infinite sites by detecting loops in an infinite tree without loops or with infinite distinct urls, to somehow keeping a list of all infinite distinct urls to avoid going to one twice(which you wouldn’t anyway, because there are infinite links), to assuming you have a list that already detected which sites these are so you could avoid them and therefore not have to worry about detecting them (the very thing you started with).
It’s ok to admit that your initial idea was wrong. You did not solve a coding problem. You changed the requirements so it’s not your problem anymore.
And storing a domain whitelist would’t work either, btw. A tarpit entrance is just one url among lots of legitimate ones, in legitimate domains.
it’s one domain. It’s infinite pages under that domain. Limiting max visits per domain is a very different thing than trying to detect loops which aren’t there. You are now making a completely different argument. In fact it sounds suspiciously like the only thing I said they could do: have some arbitrary threshold, beyond which they give up… because there’s no way of detecting otherwise
what part of “they do not repeat” do you still not get? You can put them in a list, but you won’t ever get a hit ic it’d just be wasting memory
funny how they never make errors in favour of anyone else but themselves
so? it won’t have any effect on china, because last i checked, us laws apply only in the us
sure, if you have enough memory to store a list of all guids.
an infinite loop detector detects when you’re going round in circles. They can’t detect when you’re going down an infinitely deep acyclic graph, because that, by definition doesn’t have any loops for it to detect. The best they can do is just have a threshold after which they give up.
that’s why gen ai models are not “open source”, ever. If they were, this group would’t have to “try”, they could just run the build script.
Of course, the training data and software is not available. The weights are just a binary blob. It’s not the source, but merely the “compiled binary”
I set it up once on install, 4 years ago. I have never needed to tweak any settings after that. Even when installing a different distro (config lives in the home directory)
except that extensions are second class citizens at best, on gnome. Some (or all, sometimes) of them will break after an update.
i can also run it on my old pentium from 3 decades ago. I’d have to swap 4MiB of weights in and out constantly, it will be very very slow, but it will work.
if, on a modern gaming pc, you can get breakneck speeds of 5 tokens per second, then actually inference is quite energy intensive too. 5 per second of anything is very slow
I view it as the source code of the model is the training data. The code supplied is a bespoke compiler for it, which emits a binary blob (the weights). A compiler is written in code too, just like any other program. So what they released is the equivalent of the compiler’s source code, and the binary blob that it output when fed the training data (source code) which they did NOT release.