• @ashen@beehaw.org
    101 year ago

    … huh?

    Non-universal experience, but I’m a zoomer (24) and I’m basically my family’s IT department, my apparent specialty being the wrangling of our unruly printer-scanner. My millennial older brother (who will be 28 this summer) never even thinks to ask google basic troubleshooting stuff when he has a problem. I think it’s less about generation and more about individual inclination to read instructions and look through settings menus, that sort of thing.

    • mint
      31 year ago

      Yeah, also printers and scanners are fucking horrible devil machines no matter your generation. I’m about to be 29 and have worked in tech for years but I’d rather lie on the floor and cry than fix a printer

    • @abir_vandergriff@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Absolutely. I’m a Z (25), worked help desk for a little while. It’s entirely more individual interest and inclination, generational divides don’t necessarily make everyone suddenly tech wizards. It usually just means they don’t struggle with their phone much and feel comfortable on the internet.