In case that’s too many acronyms,
A UI-first Identity Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform supporting OAuth 2.0, OIDC, SAML and CAS, integrated with Casbin RBAC and ABAC permission management. Supports third-party applications login, such as GitHub, Google, QQ, WeChat, etc., and other plugins can extend the third party logins Casdoor can use.
Been meaning to set-up SSO in my homelab. Adding it to the list of projects to look into. Thanks!
I might be wrong, but to me this looks more like a middle layer between your application and other provider to host a standardised API to all of them.
I’m looking into kanidm, it’s a pretty new project and very lightweight (compared to Keycloak).
If that won’t pan out, I’ll probably fall back to lldap + Authelia.
If that fails I’ll set up Authentik.
I’d definitely suggest checking out Keycloak. It’s still the best I’ve used as far as being intuitive and standards compliant.