Since the graphic claims microchips are made out of “sand”, I will call silica “sand”. To get a spoon full of “sand”, some random internet sources suggests that it would weigh about 33g, and apparently oats is quite dense in “sand”, so youd need about 176 kg of oats, or about 27,000 spoonfulls of oats to satisfy your diet of “sand”. Impressive!
(Or maybe you just eat it raw as a anti-caking agent?)
Since I started following a low-sand diet I now consume at most a few spoonfuls per day (mostly during breakfast). Every little thing counts.
Since the graphic claims microchips are made out of “sand”, I will call silica “sand”. To get a spoon full of “sand”, some random internet sources suggests that it would weigh about 33g, and apparently oats is quite dense in “sand”, so youd need about 176 kg of oats, or about 27,000 spoonfulls of oats to satisfy your diet of “sand”. Impressive!
(Or maybe you just eat it raw as a anti-caking agent?)
Best thing to make out of sand is triangles or hexagons that can perform collaborative energy transactions, like bees.