Good news for those who invest!
Good news for those who invest!
The average Lemmy user operates with „USA good, Russia bad, Democrats good, Republicans ban, especially Trump TERRIBLE BAD“ so you‘ll be downvoted
But 2020-2024 showed us that United States of North America have no moral compass. And any North American company will do whatever it needs to in order to support the military industrial complex and the interests of North America.
Then North America will claim that they “care about human rights”.
What are the AI rising stocks?
Free speech was always a lie I guess
Go to r/worldnews and r/europe on reddit
The amount of bots is….
Yes only Russia and China do bad things with technology!
When I see the same energy directed towards what shady activities UK/Israel/USA are doing in the Congo (child labor and genocide) or what USA/Israel is doing in Palestine (genocide) or whatever France is meddling with in Africa then I’ll see Lemmy as unbiased but it is a very biased social media website. When I see the same energy directed at the USA for killing millions of Iraqis by spreading lies and never finding weapons of masa destruction in Iraq then I’ll believe the narrative.
And please don’t mention the Uyghur and pretend to care about the muslims only when China does it but when Israel does it, it’s up for debate.
USA good. France good. UK good. China bad. Russia bad. Middle East bad.
Hilarious. Wake up people.
The outlook on everything on Lemmy is driving me away from the platform. I’m not saying other platforms are any better. I might just stop using it.
The same people who complain about government propaganda are the same people who type “Russia bad! China bad!” like it’s not decades of propaganda to make westerners hate these countries.
I’m on Lemmy due to this!
I literally use this platform just to run from bots and cooperate greed.
Kenavo Breizh!!
(Et non je veins d’un pays arabe)
Je me définis comme originaire de là-bas, mais ayant simplement grandi en France. Je nourris une certaine aversion envers les Américains, cependant, j’apprécie le fait qu’une fois que l’on obtient la citoyenneté, on est considéré comme américain, indépendamment de son origine. Malgré cela, je reconnais la différence entre la manière dont la France a évolué pour devenir l’entité qu’elle est aujourd’hui et la transformation des États-Unis en ce qu’ils sont actuellement.
Je suis souvent perçu comme étant “au bout d’une génération”, cependant, je m’abstiens généralement de me définir comme français. Au contraire, lorsque l’on me questionne sur mes origines, ma réponse se rapporte invariablement à mon pays d’origine. En fait, je préfère dire d’où je viens plutôt que de dire que je suis français. Parce que je sais que si je dis “je suis français”, tout le monde va me bombarder de questions, que ce soit des français ou des descendants d’immigrés.
Lemmy user hallucination.
Quite the drug.