I read in another post a while ago that there was some issue with a Windows update that caused it not to register as Windows. It was then corrected in a subsequent update. So the Unknown bump is just Windows.
Edit for reference: https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/worldwide/#monthly-202301-202307
I mean, you kind of just described two things that are specifically hard to get working properly on Linux in general - MS Office and the Adobe suite. You’re better off using FOSS alternatives, like LibreOffice and Krita or GIMP. Otherwise, you’ll need something like Lutris as a Wine frontend to install Windows apps - and at that point, you might as well just install stock Linux, get qBittorrent going, pirate what you want, and install as needed. Plus, I don’t think I’d trust the security of a modified version of Linux for piracy. That’s just asking to be exploited.