Currently? Walnut ink.
Same as the old boss…
It depends…
Do you think Jimmy Carter has seen the season 4 finale of Breaking Bad?
And my turds!
A national fork? In Russia?
Sometimes the jokes write themselves.
Mmm… Serpent Road…
Commercial flatscreen panels.
No. For Orks, it’s all about size and color.
For the same reason why some of the Necrons have nipples: intimidation.
He purchased the platform because he was forced to buy it after he fucked around.
Unfortunately, we’re the ones that get to “find out”.
Ready or Not rules: If trump doesn’t win in november then Musk and his entire empire explodes.
And then there’s Kansas City…
What are his predictions for life in the year 2525?
Dang… I shouldn’t have eaten all those batteries.
No Plok? They both suck.