Oh yeah, I heard it was poorly recieved. The syntax wasn’t great and generally the support sucked. AFAIK there is no progress on types for lua.
Oh yeah, I heard it was poorly recieved. The syntax wasn’t great and generally the support sucked. AFAIK there is no progress on types for lua.
Have you heard of Typescript-to-lua? I used to do Dota modding (which is in lua) with TSTL and it works great!
You write TS code (using Typescript syntax that includes types) and it is compiled into lua.
Wonder if that could be an alternative that can work for you.
Can confirm. I played so many games on DRaStic over the last few years. Zero issues.
Of course, some games are not well suited to a full touch screen, especially if they require quick coordination of both stylus and D-Pad. They are relatively few though - most games work great.
This comment was worth the time I spent reading comments in this thread.
Plot twist: it was a 7 Boom game.