We could so easily choose to use the spelling Ouranos and drop the Y sound at the start, but in our hearts we clearly don’t want to
We could so easily choose to use the spelling Ouranos and drop the Y sound at the start, but in our hearts we clearly don’t want to
It’s not one or the other. You can do both. The French do. Vote for whatever the least bad realistic option is at the election, and then you have years of time to do the other stuff
how high processing power computers with AI/LLM’s can assist in a lab and/or hospital environment
This is an enormously broader scope than the situation I actually responded to, which was LLMs making diagnoses and then getting their work checked by a doctor
In the example you provided, you’re doing it by hand afterwards anyway. How is a doctor going to vet the work of the AI without examining the case in as much detail as they would have without the AI?
In the test here, it literally only handled text. Doctors can do that. And if you need a doctor to check its work in every case, it has saved zero hours of work for doctors.
Usually to do work that needs done but does not need the direct attention of the more skilled person. The assistant can do that work by themselves most of the time. In the example above, the assistant is doing all of the most challenging work and then the doctor is checking all of its work
If you need someone qualified to examine the case anyway, what’s the point of the AI?
We can indeed print steel with direct metal laser sintering. I think that the object needs heat treatment afterwards, though to be fair it is almost ten years since I properly read up on it and things have probably advanced since then
It’s likeIt is relying on unpaid labor when the company has nearly a billion dollars in revenue,”
I picked up Tunic after wanting it for quite some time. I’m enjoying it a great deal. I was sure that it couldn’t possibly be that much like Dark Souls when it has that art style but, uhh, no, turns out it’s the opening is basically exactly Dark Souls right down to being told to go ring two mysterious magic bells in opposite directions from where you currently are
As a fellow scared-of-the-ocean-ist, I actually feel like it kinda adds to Subnautica. The game is meant to have some horror. We just get a bit extra
I think they just meant the logos are terrible, rather than the software
Meka is just one of thousands of artists whose music is on streaming platforms despite the fact that there are no real human footprints behind them
Even just within the article, this isn’t true, is it? FN Meka had humans writing and recording stuff, the people that hired those humans just put a fake name and identity over it because they thought it would sell better or something. This is just the article discovering the concept of ghostwriters.
More likely to consider it synonymous with the UK in most contexts.
“British and Irish Isles” is the most common descriptor for the whole archipelago I see, and it seems a fair one even if it’s a bit long. It’d be nice if we could all agree on something catchier but that seems unlikely, all things considered
At least for Scots, this is not a general case. Some consider themselves not to be British because they don’t want Scotland to be part of the UK, others will take exception to the conflation of “British” with “English” because that implies that Scotland is just considered part of England. You don’t even have to have strong feelings either way about either England or the UK for that one.
At least for now, the word “British” is associated more with the political entity of the UK than the geographical entity of the island of Great Britain. That most of Scotland is on the island of Great Britain will not persuade anyone in the first camp.
That jumps left one word rather than to the start of the line in everything I can think of
Sometimes the ladies are just cooler, you know? I tend to just go with whatever I’m feeling on the day, and if the woman has a good voice lines or an interesting mechanic or whatever else then I guess I’m being a woman today
Reporting on Spotify’s payments to artists typically puts payments at 0.003 - 0.005 USD per stream. 80,000,000 streams at 0.003 is just shy of a quarter of a million dollars. And it’s totally fair to still argue about whether that’s enough or whether it’s fair to the many small artists than Weird Al, but his video is definitely a joke and not reflective of the actual income unless he’s getting unbelievably shafted by his label
If your PC’s region is set to an EEA country, you actually do get additional options to turn stuff off or uninstall things. Uninstallation of Edge and Copilot is apparently coming soon… for the EEA. But you can just tell your PC you’re in an EEA country.